Friday, 30 May 2014

Knights of Sidonia Episode 8

Knights of Sidonia uses a variety of camera angles and movements to create intense and visceral action scenes. This was best exemplified by the Mecha battle in this episode. The scene below begins with a high angle shot of a Guana Mecha looking down at a destroyed Garde. This portrays the Gauna as an imposing figure which is further highlighted as the camera quickly moves in for a closeup.

About 17 seconds into the video is where the show truly shines as it uses dynamic camera movements to a great effect. The action starts with an extreme long shot of Tanikaze's Garde, which quickly flies into the camera (full shot). The camera switches briefly to a follow shot of Tanikaze then pulls back, pans to the Gauna and moves in for a medium shot. These constant changes create an exciting sense of speed and hectic pace.

The scene below shows a good application of slow-motion to transition from fast pace action to a more dramatic shot. Again, notice the great use of dynamic camera movements.


These series images show the use of different framing to portray fear.

 Most of the cockpit shots have been closeups but this is a medium shot to show Kunato's manic and shaky body language. The use of shadow and lighting gives a sense of dread. Kunato's figure is mostly in the shadow with the light only on his face which accentuates his emotions.

 The medium shot establishes Kunato's physical state which sets up the closeup shot to show the fear and panic.

 POV shot from Kunato's perspective with his out of focus hand shaking. Another shot that shows his physical state. 

 The previous shot sets up a closeup showing Kunato in a trance like state, struck frozen by fear.

 An extreme long shot of Tanikaze high up and looking away. The wide amount of space imitates the sense of detachment that a person feels when deep in thought...or something like that, I really just like this shot.

 Another shot using shadow and lighting to express emotion and tone, this time it's misery and gloom.

Low angle shots can be used to portray a character as an authoritative and commanding figure. This type of angle is often used on the Captain.

First Few Images from Omoide no Marnie / 思い出のマーニー

Few images released for upcoming Studio Ghibli's latest release, Omoide no Marnie / 思い出のマーニー. Directed by Arietty guy, Hiromasa Yonebayashi, this movie is out in Japan soon on 19th July 2014. No announcement of international release date yet.

Here is the collection of images.

I knew this movie based on Joan G Robinson's children novel (you can read the synopsis on Amazon here), I am looking forward to this. I am kinda enjoyed Arietty so I will follow this with some interest. However I am quite perplexed with lack of trailer(s) to promote this movie. Like big time puzzlement here.

Rumours seems to be buzzing that this might be potential lesbian/yuri material.  

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Ping Pong The Animation Episode 8

The use of imagery to create analogies for characterization is something Ping Pong have excelled at.

 A close up of Kazama contemplating about Yurie's advice to play Ping Pong for himself.

 The camera then pans to "The Thinker" statue. An imagery of Kazama deep in thought.

 An extreme close up of a plane reflection on Kong's sunglasses. The plane has been the symbol for Kong's self exile and desire to come home. The imagery and the character it represents being in the same shot really drives this point home.

 The camera then pulls back to reveal his coach/friend who asks if he's homesick.

 Kong answers "You could say that" but the imagery of China on his coach's back and the plane in the background is a better reflection of how Kong feels.


The next images show the use of closeups of Ping Pong balls to represent the characters and establish a tone. 

 A closeup of a spinning ball to open up the scene.

 It then cuts to a medium shot of Smile.

 A closeup again, this time following Smile's line of sight. This is a simple scene but it shows how meticulous Smile is with Ping Pong balls to a robotic degree.

 With Kong, closeups of Ping Pong balls were used to express intimidation.

 A couple of more closeups with an intense looking Kong in the background really establish the tone of the match.

 A nice use of the push/pull effect from the low angle. It gives the feeling of discouragement which the outmatched opponent was feeling.

Another set of plane imagery but this time with different symbolism.

The juxtaposition of the plane and Kong's teammates. This illustrates that the plane now represents what he has gained in Japan, which are supportive teammates and friends.

 This closeup shows Kong's intensity despite knowing he's going to lose. This is a contrast from his look of desperation in his matches against Kazama and Smile. To him Ping Pong is now more than just winning and losing.

Ghost in the Shell Live Action Video. (NSFW)

Check this out. Looks pretty cool. 

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Knights of Sidonia Episode 7

The next few images illustrate the different ways the show gives a sense of scale.

 A long shot of the Gardes formation being dwarfed by the Gauna.

 A medium closeup of Nagate with the reflection of the Guana on his helmet.

 A point of view shot from Nagate's cockpit.


The show portrays the Gardes' movement both in large scale and up close. This gives the audience the impression of the vastness of the battle and also an engaging view of the action

 Extreme long shot establishes the scale.

A full shot of a Garde as it flies into the camera.

The Garde flies close enough for a close up to give an engaging view.

This series of images is the beautifully shot Hoshijiro death scene. This scene uses a variety of shots to an effective dramatic degree.

 A long shot of  Hoshijiro saving Nagate. 

 Extreme closeup of Nagate's eye shows he's barely conscious.

  Following Nagate's eye-line is the point of view shot of the attack on Hoshijiro.

Knights of Sidonia Hoshijiro
 A long shot puts into view both the damage and Hoshijiro physical state. Hoshijiro helplessly floating out of Garde makes for a tragic image. 

 A closeup shot of Hoshijiro with the reflection of the fatal attack really drives the emotional moment.

 Extreme closeup of a debris used for a slow reveal.

 A deep focus shot of Hoshijiro's death. The view of Gauna arms, debris and the vastness of space give a tragic sense of scale

Monday, 26 May 2014

Haikyuu!! Episode 8

 Long shot with a shallow focus. This establishes the volleyball setting. The haziness and the out of focus background give a memory lane effect. 

 Close up shot of the net with a shallow focus. The net coming into focus strongly suggests that the character (Nishinoya) is reminiscing about volleyball.

 Off center medium shot. Volleyball background remains prominent.

 Medium shot of the back of another character (Asahi). This shot specify what Nishinoya misses about volleyball and that is playing with the person in the shot.

 Full shot of both characters. This establishes the two characters. Asahi having his back turned drives the emotional point that he has left volleyball.


A mix of medium shots and volleyball imagery express the feeling of playing volleyball is still fresh within Asahi. The head only partially exposed has a melancholic effect by leaving it to the audience's imagination on how Asahi feels.


These series of photos is Asahi's reaction to Hinata and Kageyama practicing.

 Close up shot of his hand as Asahi remembers the feel of hitting a ball.

 Medium shot with Asahi coming into focus. The low angle from the hand and the focus on him really express how he misses the game.

Full shot of Asahi's silhouette for further emotional effect.